Have you lost your job and now looking for answers to whether you are eligible to collect unemployment benefits?
Are you currently on unemployment and worried they’ll run out – and looking for the latest information about unemployment extensions?
To be eligible to receive unemployment benefits in Colorado, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own and must be able to work, be available for work, and be willing to seek and accept suitable work.
The Unemployment Insurance Program requests information from both the claimant and the employer as to the reasons for the job separation. Those facts are then evaluated according to the requirements as stated in the Colorado Employment Security Act.
How do I file for unemployment benefits?
Initial claims can be filed online! Go to www.coworkforce.com/uiic to start filing a claim.
To file a claim by telephone, inquire about the status of a claim, or obtain general information about the unemployment insurance claims process, call:
303-318-9000 (Denver-metro area)
1-800-388-5515 (outside Denver-metro area)
Hearing impaired (TTD) call:
303-318-9016 (Denver-metro area)
1-800-894-7730 (outside Denver-metro area)
Phone calls are taken between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Mountain time, Monday through Friday, except on state-observed holidays.
To file for payment on an existing claim, to inquire about the status of a claim, or to obtain information about the unemployment insurance claims process, call the Colorado Unemployment Benefits Line (CUBLine) at:
303-813-2800 (Denver-metro area)
1-888-550-2800 (outside Denver-metro area)
CUBLine is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You must file for payment by 5:00 p.m. Mountain time for same-day processing.
For information about the appeals process, call Unemployment Insurance Appeals at 303-318-9299 (Denver-metro area) or 1-800-405-2338 (outside Denver-metro area).
Unemployment Office Contact Information:
CDLE Mailing Address:
Colorado Department of Labor and Employment
633 17th Street, Suite 201
Denver, CO 80202-3660
CDLE Phone Number:
General Inquiries: (303) 318-8000, or see the following list for contact information to meet your specific needs.
Layoff Assistance, Early Intervention
Terry Bohannon, (303) 318-8840
Email: terry.bohannon@state.co.us
Fax: (303) 318-8930
Online Job Posting/Employee Recruiting
Kathie Stenzel, (303) 318-8819
Email: kathie.stenzel@state.co.us
Fax: (303) 318-8930
Job Seeker Services
Federal Bonding Program
Reina Wright, (303) 318-8828
Email: reina.wright@state.co.us
Fax: (303) 318-8934
Foreign Labor Certification
Jim Shimada, (303) 318-8831
Email: jim.shimada@state.co.us
Fax: (303) 318-8930
Online Job Search/Work Registration
Jenny McGinty, (303) 318-8950
Email: jenny.mcginty@state.co.us
Fax: (303) 318-8930
Veterans Services
Please contact the individual office: www.coworkforce.com/vet/lvers.asp
Executive Director’s Office
Executive Director, Donald J. Mares, (303) 318-8020
Email: Donald.J.Mares@state.co.us
Labor Standards
The Colorado Division of Labor administers laws and regulations governing wages, minimum wage, working conditions, youth employment, and certain union issues and grievances. The Division assists with wage topics, pay disputes, and the recovery of earned compensation.
Division of Labor
633 17th Street, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80202-3660
Main (303) 318-8441
Fax (303) 318-8400
Unemployment Insurance Benefits
The Unemployment Insurance (UI) Program provides temporary and partial wage replacement to workers who have become unemployed through no fault of their own. The program is funded by employer paid taxes and provides benefits to those who meet the eligibility requirements of the Colorado Employment Security Act. The intent of the program is to aid in maintaining the economic stability within a community by safeguarding the income and purchasing power of the unemployed worker. The program is administered by the Division of Employment and Training of the Department of Labor and Employment.
Denver Metro (303) 318-9000
Toll Free (800) 388-5515
Hearing Impaired (TTD)
Denver Metro (303) 318-9016
Toll Free (800) 894-7730
Employer Benefit Inquiries
(303) 318-9000 or (303) 318-9100
CUBLine, Automated Payment Filing \ General Information:
Denver Metro (303) 813-2800
Toll Free (888) 550-2800
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