When you apply for unemployment you may be informed that you are legally allowed to work at a job and make a certain amount of money while still collecting unemployment benefits. When you initially apply for unemployment, this amount will be calculated, and how this process works will be explained to you by your unemployment counselor.
If you do work while you are collecting unemployment benefits, it is VERY important that you follow the rules given to you by your unemployment counselor, which includes reporting where you work, how much you make every week, etc.
If you suspect someone of committing unemployment fraud, you can contact the unemployment office to report them. You may be able to remain anonymous, or you may have to give your name and contact information to report them.
When you make your report, be sure to give as much detailed information as possible, including the following:
- Their name
- Their address
- Their phone number
- Where they are working
- How much money they’re making
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