Do I qualify for unemployment benefits in Pennsylvania?
You may be entitled to benefits if you meet these eligibility requirements:
- You are unemployed through no fault of your own or due to a work stoppage that is the result of a lockout.
- You have filed an initial application for UC benefits.
- You performed services covered by the UC Law for an employer that is required by the UC Law or elects to pay into the UC Fund.
- You earned enough wages to qualify and have sufficient credit weeks. A credit week is any calendar week in the base year for which you earned $50 or more.
- You are registered for work with the Pennsylvania CareerLink.
- You are able to work and available for suitable work.
- You are unemployed for a waiting period of one week after filing the initial application for benefits.
How do I file for Pennsylvania unemployment benefits?
To file an application for unemployment benefits, you will be asked to provide:
- social security number
- PA Department of Transportation photo ID
- alien registration number (for non-United States citizens)
- the name and address of last employer (full or part-time)
- most recent pay stub
Unemployed workers may file their applications or reopen their existing claims for UC benefits at https://www.paclaims.state.pa.us/UCEN/Welcome.asp or by calling the UC Service Centers network, 1-888-313-7284, or by downloading a paper Initial Claim form or Reopen Claim form from https://www.paclaims.state.pa.us/UCEN/Welcome.asp. Re-employment opportunities and job search assistance are offered in local PA CareerLink offices.
Contact Information
Email Contact
Phone Number
If you have filed an application for UC benefits within the last year, and have a specific question about your claim or your eligibility, call the UC Service center:
- 1-888-313-7284
- 1-888-334-4046 TTY (deaf or hard of hearing)
UC Service Center telephone services are available from 7 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. each work day and Sundays 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
If you have not filed an application for UC benefits within the last year, and have general questions about UC or you have questions about your UC-1099G (Statement for Recipients of PA UC Payments) provided for income tax purposes, browse through our Web site or call the Claims Information Center:
- (717) 783-3140
- 1-800-577-7216 TTY (deaf or hard of hearing)
Claims Information Center telephone services are available from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. each work day.
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