Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must meet all of the following requirements.
- You have earned sufficient income in the base period to qualify for a claim.
- You are determined to be out of work through no fault of your own.
- You meet all requirements of eligibility on a week to week basis as long as you are claiming benefits.
You will receive a monetary determination within 7 days after you file your initial claim. This will tell you the monetary amount of your claim (weekly and total potentially payable benefits).
If there is a question of eligibility relating to your claim, we must review the circumstances to determine if benefits may be paid to you.
Possible Eligibility Issues:
This is a list of situations that could possibly cause you to be ineligible for unemployment benefits.
- Separation from employment for reasons other than a layoff due to a lack of work;
- Payment of vacation pay, severance pay or payments made by the employer in lieu of a notice of impending layoff;
- Ability to work, availability for work or efforts to seek and secure work;
- Failing to report to a Nevada JobConnect office as directed to review your work search activities or to determine if you need reemployment assistance;
- Refusing work or failing to apply for a job as directed by a representative of the Nevada JobConnect office;
- Failing to file weekly claims for each week of unemployment;
- Failing to reply to a request for additional information or did not provide the information within the time period provided;
- Filing a claim for benefits based on employment for an educational institution or for a professional athletic team;
- Failing to report work and/or earnings for a week claimed for unemployment;
If there is a question of eligibility, you may receive a separate determination telling you if you are eligible based upon the reasons for the separation. If benefits are to be denied for ANY reason, you will be sent a written notice of our determination and providing you with instructions on how to file an appeal to that decision.
The fact finding and decision process normally take 3 weeks from the time you file your claim. We make all efforts to resolve questions of eligibility as soon as possible to minimize the impact of the loss of income, or to provide you with a quick determination and opportunity to appeal if you are found to not meet all eligibility requirements.
How do I file for unemployment benefits?
File Online Here: http://detr.state.nv.us/ESD%20Pages/File%20UI%20claim%20.htm
What You Need to File
- Social Security number.
- Personal Identification Number (PIN), if you are re-starting your existing claim.
- Names and addresses of your last two employers and dates of employment.
- If you are not a U.S. citizen, your Alien Registration number.
File By Phone Numbers:
Northern Nevada (775) 684-0350
Southern Nevada (702) 486-0350
Rural Nevada, Long Distance or Interstate (888) 890-8211
TTY (800) 326-6868
File By Phone Instructions:
Tips for using the Automated Telephone System:
All unemployment is handled through our automated telephone system, or our Internet Claims System.
Northern Nevada (775) 684-0350
Southern Nevada (702) 486-0350
Rural Nevada, Long Distance or Interstate (888) 890-8211
TTY (800) 326-6868
Internet Claims Website
If you receive a rapid busy signal, it means that all 190 telephone lines into our Call Centers are busy. Please keep trying to call, or use our Internet Claims System to file your claim.
Be prepared for a long hold while waiting to file your claim.
Use a land line to avoid being disconnected due to phone battery failure.
We assure you the Division is doing everything possible to serve you as quickly as we can.
When you call the Claim Center, you will be given the following options:
1st Selection: Language
To continue in English, Press 1
For Spanish, Press 2
2nd Selection: Main Menu
Option 1
Weekly QuickClaim Filing and Check Inquiry – Available daily 6am to 11pm
Please use this option to file your weekly claim for benefits or to inquire about your last two checks and benefits balance. Claims examiners can not currently provide this information.
Option 2
New or Reopened Claim- Available 8am to 4:30pm, Monday-Friday
Use this option to start a new claim for unemployment benefits or restart one opened against the State of Nevada in the past calendar year.
Option 3
Problems or Questions – Available 8am to 4:30pm, Monday-Friday
Allows you to speak with a claims representative about problems with your claim. You can NOT use this option to file a new or reopened claim for benefits, file a weekly claim for benefits or inquire into the status of a check or benefits balance.
Option 4
Nevada JobConnect Locations and Hours
Contact Information
E-mail Us Questions or Comments
For questions specific to your UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CLAIM,
please click on the appropriate address listed below, type your question or concern, and press SEND:
Clark County only DETRUI-S@nvdetr.org
All other inquiries DETRUI-N@nvdetr.org
Nevada Department of Employment, Training & Rehabilitation
2800 E. St. Louis Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89104
500 East Third Street – Carson City, NV 89713
General Info: (775) 684-3849 – FAX: (775) 684-3850 – TTY: (775) 687-5353
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