In order to be eligible to collect unemployment benefits you must:
- Must have worked in at least two quarters of your base period,
- Must have worked in at least two quarters of your base period,
- Must have earned at least $780.00 in the highest quarter of your base period,
- Must have earned 40 times your weekly benefit amount in your base period,
- Be unemployed through no fault of your own,
- Be able to work,
- Be available for work,
- File a claim for benefits,
- Serve a one-week waiting period (benefits cannot be paid for this week),
- Have earned sufficient wage credits, and
- Be registered for work at the WIN Job Center in your area.
How do I file for unemployment benefits?
Regular UI Claims
If you worked and earned wages in Mississippi, you may file a claim for unemployment insurance benefits online, in person at the WIN Job Center nearest you or by calling our toll free number, 1-888-844-3577. Your claim for benefits will be effective with the week it is filed.
You should be prepared to provide the following information:
- Your Social Security number,
- Your complete mailing address and phone number,
- The names, addresses, and phone numbers for all your employers for the last eighteen (18) months,
- The dates you worked and the reason you left each employer.
- Alien Registration number or Visa number, if you are not a U.S. Citizen.
You will need to register for employment services at the WIN Job Center if you have not done so already. Our staff can assist you with job search process, training and other career needs.
Contact Information
Phone Number
1-888-844-3577 is the toll free number you can call to file your unemployment claim by telephone or to call if you have questions about your existing claim. The call center is open to assist you with your unemployment needs Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.
By Mail
If you have been asked to submit documentation relative to your claim, the mailing address you need is Mississippi Department of Employment Security, P.O. Box 125, Jackson, MS 39205-0125.
Mississippi Department of Employment Security
Office of the Governor
1235 Echelon Parkway
P.O. Box 1699
Jackson, MS 39215-1699
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