Eligibility for unemployment insurance benefits cannot be determined until you actually file an initial claim. If you are unemployed, file your claim as soon as possible, as your eligibility begins the week in which you file your claim. Your claim becomes effective the Sunday of the week during which you apply for benefits.
You can file via the Internet at mdunemployment.com or by telephone using one of the telephone numbers listed on the Unemployment Insurance Home Page under “Claim Center Telephone Numbers.”
In addition, you must be unemployed through no fault of your own, be able to work, available for work, looking for full-time work, and willing to accept a job for which you are qualified.
How do I file for unemployment benefits?
- You do not live in Maryland (unless wages earned during the past 18 months were from a work location within Maryland).
- You have not earned wages from a worksite in Maryland during the last 18 months.
- You worked for the Federal Government in the last 18 months.
- You have worked for more than 3 employers in the last 18 months.
- You have filed for unemployment insurance in another state in the last 18 months.
If you cannot use this system, contact a Claim Center by Telephone.
What You Need To File Online
- Your Social Security Number and mailing address.
- A telephone number where you can be reached.
- The name, birth date and Social Security Number of all dependents under age 16.
- If you are not a citizen, proof of your alien status.
- The business name, address, and dates of employment for all employers within the last 18 months. A copy of your W-2 form may be helpful.
- If you seek work through a union, the hiring hall number is required.
- If you were in the military within the last 18 months, your DD214, Member 4.
Contact Information
Agency Contacts and Directory of Services
Agriculture Employers and Worker Services Merlin Williams (301) 393-8218 mwilliams@dllr.state.md.us
Dislocated Worker Unit Scott Wallace (410) 767-2833 swallace@dllr.state.md.us
Employer Unemployment Insurance Contributions Employer Assistance (410) 767-2412 empassist@dllr.state.md.us
Federal Bonding Program Constance Parker (410) 767-2018 cparker@dllr.state.md.us
Foreign Labor Certification David Ghee (410) 767-2080 ghee@dllr.state.md.us
Job Fairs General Information (410) 767-2830 det@dllr.state.md.us
Labor and Industry General Information (410) 767-2236 dli@dllr.state.md.us
Labor Market Information General Information (410) 767-2251 lmai@dllr.state.md.us
One-Stop Career Centers General Information (410) 767-2173 det@dllr.state.md.us
Opportunities at DLLR General Information (410) 230-6317 personnel@dllr.state.md.us
Re-Entry Services Constance Parker (410) 767-2018 cparker@dllr.state.md.us
Tax Credits Belinda Duncan (410) 767-2047 bduncan@dllr.state.md.us
Trade Act Scott Wallace (410) 767-2833 swallace@dllr.state.md.us
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Inquiry and Correspondence (410) 767-3246 ui@dllr.state.md.us
Veteran Services Ray Staten (410) 767-2015 nstaten@dllr.state.md.us
Wage and Hour Information General Information (410) 767-2357 dli@dllr.state.md.us
WIA Adult Youth Services Valerie Myers (410) 767-2825 vmyers@dllr.state.md.us
WIA Complaints General Information (410) 767-2173 dllrwia@dllr.state.md.us
Workforce Services for Employers General Information (410) 767-2173 det@dllr.state.md.us
State-Funded Construction Projects General Information (410) 767-2365 dli@dllr.state.md.us
Wage and Hour Information General Information (410) 767-2357 dli@dllr.state.md.us
Work Permits for Minors General Information (410) 767-2228 dli@dllr.state.md.us
Other DLLR Services
Administration (Office of the Secretary) Maria Simms (410) 230-6001 msimms@dllr.state.md.us
Communications and Media Relations Dori Berman (410) 230-6012 dberman@dllr.state.md.us
Director of Legislative Services Jay Hutchins (410) 230-6009 jhutchins@dllr.state.md.us
Americans with Disabilities Act Jennifer Dashiell Reed (410) 230-6329 jreed@dllr.state.md.us
Fair Practices Jennifer Dashiell Reed (410) 230-6329 jreed@dllr.state.md.us
Minority Business Enterprise General Information (410) 230-6328 wthomas@dllr.state.md.us
Human Resources Colette Colclough (410) 230-6315 ccolcough@dllr.state.md.us
Webmaster Michele Williams (410) 767-6866 webmaster@dllr.state.md.us
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