If I am monetarily eligible (I have the required wages in my base period), will I receive benefits?
Not necessarily. The monetary allowance of an application means only that you have sufficient qualifying weeks and wages. We must determine if you meet all of the eligibility requirements.
What can keep me from qualifying for Unemployment?
You may have enough covered wages in your base period and still be denied for other reasons. Some of the reasons for disqualification are listed below.
Disqualification Reasons
You may be disqualified if you:
- were discharged or fired for misconduct.
- voluntarily quit without good cause attributable to the employment.
- are not able and available for full-time work.
- are not a U. S. citizen and not authorized to work in this country.
- have limited the wages, hours, days, or areas of a job you would accept
- do not report for or satisfactorily participate in reemployment services as directed.
- are self employed.
- are involved in a strike.
- are not looking for work.
- refuse suitable work.
Other types of disqualification?
Yes. The law imposes a special “between-terms” disqualification whereby certain college and school employees cannot be paid benefits for any week of unemployment which begins during the period between two successive academic years or terms. Also, professional athletes cannot be paid benefits for weeks of unemployment between two successive sports seasons. You should always file a claim to determine your eligibility if any of these conditions apply to you.
Requirements For Continued Eligibility
Weekly claims are filed on a calendar-week basis, Sunday through Saturday. Weekly claims forms must be filed within 14 days of the date that the claim form is issued to you. If filed later, you will have to show good cause for late filing. The unemployment call center that you call will send you a booklet on your rights and responsibilities while filing claims. Claim forms will be sent to you on a weekly basis which must be returned to continue receiving benefits.
How do I file for unemployment benefits?
You can file a Maine Internet claim if:
- You have worked in the state of Maine or served in the military within the past 18 months.
- You have not filed a claim for unemployment benefits against another state in the past 12 months.
You will need the following information to complete your claim:
- Your Social Security Number;
- Alien Registration Number, if applicable;
- The business name, address and telephone number of each place you worked at during the past 18 months;
- The jobs you held and the dates you worked for each employer within the past 18-month period.
The last page of the Internet application will state that your claim has been completed and will give you a confirmation number. Warning! Unless you receive a confirmation number, your claim will not be processed. If you exit the system before receiving a confirmation number, any information that you have entered will be discarded.
Unemployment Office Contact Information
By Phone:
General Inquiries: (207) 623-7900
TTY (for Deaf and hard of hearing): 1-800-794-1110
Unemployment Claims: 1-800-593-7660
TTY (for Deaf and hard of hearing): 1-888-457-8884
Unemployment Tax: (207) 621-5120
Other Unemployment Contacts
Employment Services: (207) 623-7981
TTY (for Deaf and hard of hearing): 1-800-794-1110
CareerCenter Hotline: 1-888-457-8883
Labor Standards: (207) 623-7900
TTY (for Deaf and hard of hearing): 1-800-794-1110
Wage and Hour / Child Labor / Overtime: (207) 623-7900
SafetyWorks: (207) 623-7900
Public Sector Safety Enforcement : (207) 623-7900
Foreign Labor Certification (207) 623-7900
Rehabilitation Services: 1-800-698-4440
TTY (for Deaf and hard of hearing): 1-800-755-0023
Local Office Directory
Center for Workforce Research and Information: (207) 623-7900
TTY (for Deaf and hard of hearing): 1-800-794-1110
By Mail
Maine Department of Labor
54 State House Station
Augusta, Maine 04333
Physical Address:
Administrative Office: 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta, Maine
By Email:
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