In order to keep receiving an unemployment check every week you must file a weekly certification, also known as a weekly claim or continued claim. The purpose of filing a weekly certification is to … [Read more...]
New York Unemployment Extension – EUC08 Tier 1
Tier 1 EUC08: 20 week maximum unemployment extension. If your New York unemployment benefits run out you might be eligible to receive extended unemployment benefits through one of the state or federal … [Read more...]
How to Cancel New York Unemployment
When you find a new job you can no longer receive New York unemployment benefits and may need to officially cancel your New York unemployment. In order to cancel your unemployment claim, you can: 1. … [Read more...]
New York Unemployment Extension – EUC08 Tier 2
Tier 2 EUC08: 14 week maximum unemployment extension. If your New York unemployment benefits run out you might be eligible to receive extended unemployment benefits through one of the state or federal … [Read more...]
How to Report New York Unemployment Fraud
IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO WORK WHILE YOU ARE COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. If you want to know how to report unemployment fraud, you must first be sure that someone is committing unemployment fraud. In … [Read more...]