If you feel like you need to file an unemployment appeal, you can do so by: 1. Go to the Louisiana unemployment website and click on 'Appeal'. 2. Contact your unemployment counselor. 3. File a … [Read more...]
Louisiana Unemployment Extension – EUC08 Tier 5
Currently, there is no Tier 5 EUC08. If you use up all of your EUC08 unemployment benefits, there is another type of unemployment extension called Federal-State Extended Duration (FED-ED), more … [Read more...]
Louisiana Unemployment Fraud Penalties
REMEMBER: IT IS NOT ILLEGAL TO WORK WHILE YOU ARE COLLECTING UNEMPLOYMENT BENEFITS. You are able to work at a job and make a certain amount of money while still collecting unemployment benefits. … [Read more...]
Louisiana Unemployment Extension – Extended Benefits (EB)
There is another type of unemployment extension called Federal-State Extended Duration (FED-ED), more commonly referred to as Extended Benefits (EB). You will only qualify for the EB Extended … [Read more...]
Louisiana Unemployment Benefits
You may just be looking for a weekly unemployment check, but LA unemployment benefits provide so much more than just money. For example, Louisiana unemployment benefits include: 1. Weekly benefit … [Read more...]
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