In order to keep receiving an unemployment check every week you must file a weekly claim, also known as a weekly certification or continued claim. The purpose of filing a weekly claim is to tell the … [Read more...]
California Unemployment Rules
In order to receive unemployment benefits in California you must follow these rules: 1. You must be able to work, and are not disabled. 2. You must be actively looking for a job, and keeping a record … [Read more...]
California Unemployment Job Search Requirements
In order to keep receiving California unemployment benefits you have to meet ongoing job search requirements. Unemployment benefits are meant to be a temporary benefit until you find a new job, so … [Read more...]
California Unemployment Requirements
In order to start your unemployment, CA unemployment requirements include the following: 1. You are totally unemployed. Depending on your vocation and industry, you may qualify for unemployment if you … [Read more...]
California Unemployment Extension
If your California unemployment benefits have run out you may be eligible to receive extended unemployment benefits through one of the state or federal unemployment extension programs. This federal … [Read more...]