Your base period is the period of time that you worked, prior to losing your job in which you establish the amount of money that you will receive in unemployment. The more money that you made in your … [Read more...]
Arizona Unemployment Weekly Claim
In order to keep receiving an unemployment check every week you must file a weekly claim, also known as a weekly certification or continued claim. The purpose of filing a weekly claim is to tell the … [Read more...]
Do I Have To Pay Taxes on Arizona Unemployment Money?
Yes. Unemployment benefits are considered income and you will have to pay taxes on them. This site is not a tax expert, so please consult and accountant, tax attorney, or whoever prepares your taxes … [Read more...]
Arizona Unemployment Weekly Certification
In order to keep receiving an unemployment check every week you must file a weekly certification, also known as a weekly claim or continued claim. The purpose of filing a weekly certification is to … [Read more...]
Arizona Unemployment Extension – EUC08 Tier 1
Tier 1 EUC08: 20 week maximum unemployment extension. If your Arizona unemployment benefits run out you might be eligible to receive extended unemployment benefits through one of the state or federal … [Read more...]
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