In order to keep receiving an unemployment check every week you must file a weekly claim, also known as a weekly certification or continued claim. The purpose of filing a weekly claim is to tell the … [Read more...]
Do I Have To Pay Taxes on Arizona Unemployment Money?
Yes. Unemployment benefits are considered income and you will have to pay taxes on them. This site is not a tax expert, so please consult and accountant, tax attorney, or whoever prepares your taxes … [Read more...]
Arizona Unemployment Weekly Certification
In order to keep receiving an unemployment check every week you must file a weekly certification, also known as a weekly claim or continued claim. The purpose of filing a weekly certification is to … [Read more...]
Arizona Unemployment Extension – EUC08 Tier 1
Tier 1 EUC08: 20 week maximum unemployment extension. If your Arizona unemployment benefits run out you might be eligible to receive extended unemployment benefits through one of the state or federal … [Read more...]
How to Cancel Arizona Unemployment
When you find a new job you can no longer receive Arizona unemployment benefits and may need to officially cancel your Arizona unemployment. In order to cancel your unemployment claim, you can: 1. … [Read more...]