Eligibility Requirements
To be eligible for unemployment benefits, you must have worked at least 20 base weeks in covered employment or you must have earned $7,200. For weeks worked in 2007, the amount needed to establish a base week is $143; for weeks worked in 2008, the amount is $143; and for weeks worked in 2009, the amount is $143. These wages must have been earned during a 52 week period that is called a base year.
How do I file for unemployment benefits?
File Online Here: http://njsuccess.dol.state.nj.us/html/fileaclaimhome.html
This site allows individuals with New Jersey employment to file a new claim for Unemployment Insurance Benefits or reopen an existing Unemployment Insurance claim over the Internet.
You may use this application if you meet the following:
- All of your work was in New Jersey in the past 18 months
- You did not work for the federal government in the past 18 months
- You did not serve in the military in the past 18 months
- You did not work as a maritime employee in the past 18 months
- You do not reside outside the United States
- You do not want to reopen or file an Extended Benefit Claim
In order to process your claim in a timely manner, we strongly recommend that you enter your New Jersey driver’s license number or Non-Driver Photo Identification Card number, if you have one. Although this is not a requirement for filing a claim, it will expedite the processing of your claim.
You should also have the following available:
- Pencil/pen and paper.
- Your Social Security Number.
- If you are not a citizen, you will need your Alien Registration Documentation issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This includes your alien registration type and number, country of origin, and your Employment Authorization Card or Permanent Resident Card if authorized to work in the United States.
- If you wish to have your benefits directly deposited to your bank, your bank information.
- Employer information on all employer(s) in the last 18 months including: Name, address, telephone number, beginning and end dates of employment, and reason for separation.
Please be advised that if your computer is idle for 30 minutes or more, your session will “time out” and all of your claim information will be lost. If you exit for any reason before completing the application, all of your information will be lost.
Contact Information
(609) 292-7162
FAX: (609) 633-2884
Mailing Address
Division of Unemployment Insurance
Technical Support Unit
PO Box 058
Trenton, NJ 08625-0058
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